
Sarah J. Mowery DDS

In 1964, William S. Bricker, DDS opened a dental office at 203 S. Cleveland St. in Antwerp.  As he approached retirement, he began looking for a like-minded provider to take over his practice. This person had to be someone who was comfortable working in a small town, would carry on the practice that he had built, and would come to love this small town as much as he did. Lucky for Dr. Bricker’s patients, and the residents of Antwerp, he found that provider in Sarah Mowery. As Sarah took over the business, the name became Sarah J. Mowery, DDS.  

Sarah had grown up with many dental issues of her own, some of them good and some of them not so good. She knows firsthand how important is it to have a good relationship with your dentist and she genuinely wants to provide a positive experience for her patients. After completing her undergraduate studies at Butler University, she continued her studies and graduated from the Indiana University School of Dentistry in 2008. Eventually she, along with her husband Tyson, took advantage of the opportunity presented to them and moved to Antwerp where they live with their two daughters, Annabelle and Lillian. 

Sarah and her team specialize in beautifying smiles, maintaining your dental health and helping you improve your appearance. Whether you need a veneer, crown, filling or bridge, they promise to make your teeth look as good as or better than the teeth that Mother Nature gave you. You can expect them to spend much individual time with you, educating you on good oral hygiene and addressing any concerns you or your family may have. They strive to provide a stress-free environment and you can expect to hear her staff and their patients laughing during their dental appointment as it happens multiple times each day.  This is exactly the reason people travel from Fort Wayne, Toledo, Lima and Indianapolis to her practice right here in Antwerp. 

Sarah is most proud of her staff because they are the “salt of the earth” type of women who care about their patients and their well-being.  They have all been in the chair and they know how it feels and how stressful it can be.  None of them EVER want to be the reason that a child or an adult are afraid to come back to the dentist.

Sarah also enjoys working with children, often treating children as young as a few months. Children should begin seeing a dentist at age 1 or when their first tooth comes in.  Many times, these visits are done with the child sitting on the mother’s lap in the dentist chair. She loves to coach anxious children through their fears and leave the office with bright happy smiles. Sarah likes to tell the story of when she was a child and was having some crown work done. When her dentist pulled his hands out of her mouth, his gloves were red. Having some unhappy experiences in the past, Sarah was concerned about all of the red. Her dentist told her that when the crown is put on, it turns your spit red for a short time. Well, that settled that!

She appreciates when the whole family is involved in healthy dental habits. She believes that if everyone in the household is on board with good dental hygiene habits, then great smiles will come easily. 

One of the new investments that the Mowery’s have made in the practice was the purchase of a Solea CO2 laser unit. The laser makes it possible to cut or vaporize many types of tissue around the teeth and gums to perform reliably anesthesia free treatments that help to make patients more comfortable during procedures. Blood free, suture free, and pain free treatments make fillings, root canals and biopsies extremely easy and with a shorter recovery time. Lasers are used to remove decay within a tooth prior to a filling procedure. Lasers are also used to reshape gums and remove bacteria during root canals. 

One other aspect of Sarah’s business is the identification and release of tongue-tie. Tongue-tie is a hereditary condition marked by thickening or tightening of the tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth thus restricting the movement of the tongue. A tongue-tie can often be the reason that some babies have difficulty breast feeding. Tongue-tie can also cause improper speech development, especially with articulating the letters “r” and “l”. A tongue-tie is treated by a minor surgical procedure called a frenectomy that can be performed quickly, with a laser, in the dentist office.

The dentistry can also make custom mouth guards for sports activities. A mold is cast from a soft rubber/gum-like material that the person bites into. After the cast hardens it will be put into a machine that will heat a clear or colored rubberized plastic and then vacuum fit to the cast so it is always a perfect fit! Companies or schools can even have their logo formed into the mouth guard at the same time, completely customized for the end user!

One tip that she wants to share with you to improve your experience is do not lie about flossing! They know and they can tell from the other side of the room whether or not you are a flosser. 

One little known secret about the field of dentistry that most of you do not know is that Gatorade, energy drinks, and soda pop are nearly as corrosive as battery acid! It doesn’t take long or with much exposure to damage teeth and cause other health problems with these drinks.

Sarah J. Mowery, DDS is a member of the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce, which seeks the betterment of the community through strong businesses such as this. If you would like to know more about the Antwerp Chamber, please visit our Facebook page. If you would like to join, email at

Sarah wants to leave you with this: Life is short, smile while you still have your teeth!

Mercer Landmark Spotlight

Our spotlight this month is Mercer Landmark located at 103 S. Cleveland St. in Antwerp. 

Mercer Landmark Inc. is a locally owned farm cooperative located in West Central Ohio with 19 facilities in Mercer, Darke, Van Wert, Paulding and Defiance counties with more facilities being added.

The mission of Mercer Landmark Inc. is to provide a sound financial entity in which producers can invest in and expect a return on that investment. The entity will in turn then provide markets and services to its owner patrons that they would otherwise not have access to as individuals. The above will be achieved by the entity while keeping the best interest of its employees and the environment in mind. Mercer Landmark


The Antwerp Equity Exchange had existed in Antwerp for over 100 years. They merged with Mercer Landmark in 2008. Currently they have 5 employees including Jenn Zartman – Antwerp/Sherwood branch manager. Jenn has been with Mercer for 11 years. Chad Molitor, elevator supervisor, has been at the elevator for 27 years. John Zielke, elevator operations, has been with the company for 17 years and Candace Feehan, office administrator, and Mikel Carnahan, elevator operations, have both been with Mercer for two years.

The silos contain corn, soybeans and soft red winter wheat. The winter wheat is planted in the fall and hibernates all winter and begins growing in the spring. The storage on site is 1.5 million bushels. In 2006-07 they added 2 more silos nearly doubling the size of their storage. During harvest season the elevator can process 100,000 bushels a day and more than 100 trucks will pass through on any given day. 

In 1994 corn was yielding 123 bushels/acre. 20 years later farmers were doubling their yield due to advances in seed genetics and plant breeding for higher yields, better fertilizer formulations and equipment advances, and larger and more efficient combines and tractors. 

Mercer Landmark, Inc. in association with CHS Hedging offers a full service commodity brokerage service for farmers. They help to strengthen producer operations, enhance producer profitability and provide education information support to enable producers to make sound marketing decisions. 

Harvest season is generally from September through November but in very wet years it can last through January. There are less hoppers and more semi’s coming in to unload grain so the facility realized that they needed to make some changes to help farmers and themselves be more efficient. Recently Mercer Landmark increased the dumping capacity to help speed up the process making it quicker for the farmers and to get them back in their fields. 

Basis is the difference between the cash price paid for your grain and the nearby Chicago Board of Trade futures price. Basis is often called “the voice of the market” because it’s an indication of whether or not the market wants your grain. A narrow or improving cash basis is a signal that the market wants your grain. This improvement often happens right after the crop has been put away, or in spring when everyone is busy in the field and no one is making cash grain sales. A wide or widening cash basis is often a signal that the grain market doesn’t want your grain. In this case you should hold your grain and avoid making cash sales, according to Farm Progress at 

Mercer Landmark also carries many products from rat and mice killer, flower and garden weed preventer, Crossbow herbicide, Muck eliminator for ponds, Copper Sulfate crystals and many kinds of bird seed.

The Antwerp branch of Mercer Landmark works closely with their sister facility in Payne. Jenn has great things to say about her crew here in the Antwerp office. She cannot commend them enough. During the harvest season they put in many long days but they are rewarded when Harvest is officially done for the year. 

H2O Spotlight

Antwerp Chamber of Commerce Spotlight on Business this month is H2O Water Stores, LLC located at 208 S. Main St in Antwerp. 

H2O or Your “Everything Water” Store has been in business since 1997 where it began in Hicksville, Ohio. The business moved to Antwerp in 1999. Todd Cook, owner/operator built the business from scratch and the business employs 9 Full-time/Part-time employees along with 4 independent contractors. 

Todd has a degree in Chemistry from The Ohio State University and he enjoys all things chemical. He was a volunteer on a design water project in New York City and it was that project that motivated him to start his business. Todd realized there were many challenges in ground and surface water and his knowledge and education in industrial and commercial systems could bring value to the residents in Antwerp and the municipalities in the surrounding 75 mile radius. 

H2O specializes in water softeners, sulfur removal systems, iron removal systems, pond systems, water coolers, reverse osmosis systems, purified drinking water, spa supplies, and swimming pool accessories. They are probably best known for their 7 step water purification process and their purified water dispenser that is available for customers to come in and fill their containers. They also have home test kits that can be used to test for impurities such as bacteria and lead in ground water.

What sets Todd and his business aside from others in this type of business is the vast knowledge base and background that exists within the business. With several professional engineers on staff, Todd is capable of designing town municipal water systems and has done so in Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. His biggest retail market is here in Paulding County and Defiance County. 

Here is a fun fact about water. About 6,800 gallons of water is required to grow a day’s food for a family of four. When you walk into H2O Water Stores you can expect to be greeted with a smile. Customer service is very important to Todd and he conveys to his staff that whatever they do, they will treat the customer with respect because they may meet that person on the street after the store has closed. Todd is also very interested in solving the customer’s water problems. A little known secret about the business lies in the design and engineering capabilities that the staff has to create water systems. The Cargill company makes the salt that is distributed and they may have anywhere from 60,000 to 80,00 pounds of salt on hand at any given time. 

Barb Secrist, Monte Cornell, Derek Demongeot, Ron Smith and Becky Cook as well as a few others round out the staff at H2O Water Stores. You can stop in and see them for all your water needs. Currently, they are having a sale on pool items to help you get your pool into shape for the summer weather. 

Pam’s Prime Cut

Our spotlight on business this month is Pam’s Prime Cut. This business is owned and operated by Pam (Friend) Jordan and has been in business since 1987. Pam’s business is just across the street from the Antwerp Exchange Bank and next door to the Bear’s Den, located there for 31 years.   

Pam went to school in Fort Wayne and briefly worked at a salon near her school. Before long, the urge to move back to her hometown lead her to start her own salon in Antwerp. She is proud of her full service salon where she offers haircuts, styles, perms, and color. Pam’s salon is cozy and inviting. Her clients come from surrounding towns, including Fort Wayne, where she began her career. That in itself is a testament to her expertise and friendly personality.  

She is most passionate about making sure her clients are happy and satisfied with her work. She is known for her small town atmosphere and affordable pricing. One of her most notable clients is a woman who has reached 100 years young.  

As a stylist, Pam will help you find the cut that fits into your busy lifestyle. If it is a quick trim, a new twist on your own signature style, or a completely new look, Pam will make sure that you are happy and satisfied! Her salon also offers products for purchase to keep your hair looking “salon styled.”  

Stop in and see Pam for your hair care needs.   

Shop 32

Our spotlight on business this month are the shops at SHOP 302 aka Barnwood Creations and & Junque.

Barnwood Creations is the brain child of Eric Gillespie. What started out as a hobby (and still is) has

turned into a nice side business for him. Eric began his hobby renting booths at festivals and fairs where

people would constantly tell him that he needs his own store so they could visit anytime. Eric was able

to access the building across from Dr. Mowery’s dental office and next to the Dance Dolls studio for his

store and has been there for about a year now. He was previously only open one or two nights a week

as this was all his day job schedule allowed. What is so unique about Barnwood Creations is that Eric

uses actual old barnwood in his work. This is not new wood made to look old but old wood that he has

salvaged from barns and businesses in the area. For instance, the curve frame stand in his store is from

the old Panico building downtown. So, his items are not only one of a kind but also they have a story to

tell. Many people will come in with a picture or an idea and ask Eric if he can make that for them, he is

only too happy to oblige! When Eric was starting out he had a lot of items that were stuffed and his

Uncle decided he needed a stuffed armadillo. Yes folks, you can see Eric’s armadillo in the store

perched on a shelf behind the desk. Eric also wanted to promote local artists by giving them a place to

display and sell their goods as well. You can find candles, jewelry, artwork and other items in Barnwood

Creations so stop in soon!

& Junque was a dream of 3 Antwerp ladies for many years now. All three worked full time and did not

really have time to take on an antique/vintage shop. After two retired and the young one was ready for  

a new adventure, thus & Junque was born. Anne Cline, Jennifer Ramsier and Suzanne Hollabaugh went

out on a limb, thanks to Anne, and decided to give it a go. Putting these two generations together into a

business venture was not all fun and games. The paper vs electronic tablet debate has created and still

continues to generate laughs and eye rolls as when the three began! & Junque is a vintage handmade

antique boutique that occupies the back half (and shares the front window) with Barnwood Creations

thus creating Shop 302, as in 302 main street. When you walk in you can be greeted with a friendly face

and a “hello, can I help you?” The ladies have had a lot fun times shopping for their new shop and

Anne has learned how to decorate vertically because of the limited space. They are constantly scouring

shops and sales so their inventory is always changing. You are guaranteed to find something new and

different every time you visit. Anne shared a funny story of a 75 year old lady (here comes the

generation thing again) who asked her “Do you take debit?”

Stop in Shop 302 and see the unique and beautiful things that Barnwood Creations and & Junque have to

offer. Hours for both shops are Wednesday 10-5, Thursday 10-7:30, Friday 10:00-5:00 And Saturday 10-2.

Petals and Vines

The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce business spotlight for February is Petals and Vines.  The Chamber would also like to welcome the owners Denise and Dave Coleman to the Antwerp business community. 

The business was formerly Marilyn’s Petals and Vines which Denise purchased from Marilyn Provines in 2017.  Located in the heart of town (110 S. Main St), Petals and Vines offers beautiful flower arrangements for any occasion.  When you step into her shop you will also notice the wide variety of items that she has in her business.  

Not just a flower shop, although her passion is the beautiful and unique arrangements and sprays she has made for funerals, you can also find many gifts, Home Décor and a little bit of Junque. Candles, soaps, memory stones, wind chimes, blankets, lanterns, grave blankets and headstone arrangements, handbags, antique maps, stuffed animals, repurposed furniture and even some clothing (Lula Roe).  

Denise has a wistful look when asked what motivated her to buy this business.  She claims that she was just in the right place at the right time.  She has a creative side to her which shows in her work and at the same time she realizes how important it was to preserve this service to our community.  Her shop is a welcoming place that brings the timeless nature of plants and flowers into everyday life and special occasions. 

Good customer service is the feeling that you get when you walk into the business.  She has many unique items and she prides herself in having good quality products. She takes a unique approach to her floral arrangements using the freshest flowers to ensure that your arragnment will last.  From the moment you open the door, you can expect to be greeted with a smile and a helping hand.  The friendly atmosphere and every changing treasures that she finds to bring into her shop keeps her customers coming back. “We treat our customers like they are part of our family, taking the time to get to know them, their needs and their budget.”  Satisfaction is guaranteed at Petals and Vines. 

Petals and Vines mainly serves the Antwerp Community and surrounding area but if you need an arrangement sent to someone out of town or anywhere in the country, Denise is able to do that also though a program she participates in called Shop to Shop.  If you need flowers sent to your sweetheart in another state for Valentine’s Day or a birthday she can do that for you.  

One of her fond memories in the short time she has been open was the time that a young man ordered flowers to be delivered to his girlfriend, to her mother and to her sisters, then he went and proposed to her. She was thrilled to be a small part in the beginning of this bride and groom’s life together.

As the seasons change and occasions arise, you will find the shop stocked with holiday themed gifts and floral arrangements. The large front window beckons you to come inside and see what treasures you may find. And guys, remember when prom time comes, call Denise and order that perfect corsage for your date. 

If you are looking for a gift for that special someone that will last all year long, consider joining the Flower Arrangement of the Month club. Your special someone will get a floral arrangement each month for a full year.  You decide the price and we will deliver on a set date each month. Deliveries can be made to schools, assisted living/nursing homes, businesses as well as homes. 

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner watch the front window and the Facebook page Petals and Vines for beautiful and unique gifts for your Valentine.  Roses, floral arrangements, chocolates and balloons will be available to you with just a phone call.  Shop Small and Shop Local.  You won’t regret it. 

Business hours are Monday-Tuesday-Thursday and Friday 9-5.  Wednesday and Saturday 9-12.  Call Denise at 419-258-4005 with orders and like them on Facebook.  

The Oasis Spotlight

Our spotlight on business this month is the Oasis Bar and Grill in downtown 

Antwerp. The owners of the business are Doug and Lisa Bragg. The Oasis, 

or the “O” as many may call it, has been a restaurant and bar since

1940. At that time it was called The Oak and was owned by Albert

Guysinger. The building itself was built in 1870 by Henry George and it

eventually became a grocery store, a dry goods store and a jewelry and 

drug store. In 1966, Gene Hughes and Noah Slusher purchased the Oasis

from Bob and Dale Johnson. In 1988, Cliff and Linda Bragg purchased it and

Doug and Lisa eventually purchased it from Doug’s parents. 

The Oasis is best known for their Wednesday night wings that can be

served with a variety of sauces: BBQ, Hot, Teriyaki, Garlic Parmesan, Mango

Habanero, Honey Hot, Zesty Orange, Sriracha Bourbon and Sweet Chili.

They also have wonderful Angus steaks and daily lunch specials. If you

follow them on Facebook, you can find a calendar listing of daily lunch

specials. Smokin’ “O” BBQ is new on Monday nights starting at 5:00 pm

featuring smoked baby back ribs and pulled pork with a rotation of chicken

halves, turkey breast and beef brisket. Sides include smoked macaroni and

cheese, smoked baked beans and cornbread. 

Bottle or Tap? Three years ago, Doug purchased a tap system that features

12 beers. He typically carries mostly craft beers on tap, but he also has two

domestic beers – Yuengling and Miller Lite. The seasonal brews are the

most popular of craft beers. To really get a taste of the tap beers you can 

ask for a flight sampler which consists of four 6-ounce flights. Columbus

Brewing Company hosted a Tap Take-Over on Thursday, September 6th.

Three representatives were on site showcasing their new brews and had 

many giveaways such as hats, t-shirts and other Columbus Brewing 

memorabilia. They will be hosting future events so keep an eye on


The Oasis strives to provide great food and great service at affordable

prices. A family friendly atmosphere is what you will find at the Oasis

serving mostly a 20- mile radius of friends. The staff desires to have 

you leave full of delicious food and drink and above all… happy. 

Doug and Lisa are most proud of their incredible staff and the fact that they

have continued to survive and grow in the Antwerp community for over 30

years. Whether you are meeting friends after a football game or just 

stopping in for some wings and a cold one, quality food and drink in a small 

town setting is what you can expect at the Oasis. 

Friend Flooring Spotlight

The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce is happy to spotlight Friend Flooring as the business spotlight for March. 

Ray and Anita Friend are the owners of Friend Flooring and their son Tom works alongside them as an installer. “Your Friends in the Flooring Business” are located at 105 N. Main St. in Antwerp. You can reach them at 419-258-8081 or by cell phone 419-506-1201. They are more than happy to meet at a time convenient for you! All you have to do is call the number above and arrange a meeting. 

The business began in 1857 as Schilb and Sons furniture and funeral home by Andrew Schilb. Ray said that the caskets would be upstairs and the furniture downstairs. The business stayed in the Schilb family and eventually the funeral home was moved to the present Dooley funeral home around 1930. The furniture store stayed on Main street and was owned by 3 generations of Schilb’s. Ray began working with Andy Schilb in May of 1966 installing carpet and delivering furniture. Ray was then drafted into the Army and after serving in Germany and Vietnam he came home and took over the furniture store in 1978. Flooring was always a part of the business but the furniture portion was phased out in the early 2000’s and the family continued with strictly flooring products. 

The business is best known for their home town service, professionalism and 40 plus years of installation experience. When you purchasing from Friend’s, whether it is carpet or laminate, you know that you are getting a quality product as well as timely installation and you know who is coming into your home or office. The owners do their own work and take great pride in the quality of product and service you will get from them. They realize that you can go elsewhere and buy similar products but you will be hard put to find the same quality and service that you would receive from Ray and Tom. They will make sure that the job is done right at a highly competitve price! 

Ray and Tom have installed most of the flooring at the Paulding County Courthouse, many of the homes in the Antwerp area and surrounding counties in both Ohio and Indiana. They recently completed work at Harlan Christian School and Harlan Church of Christ which lead them in to carpeting another large church near the Dupont Road area. They have also recently helped with overhauling the look of the fire station uptown. 

Friend Flooring carries one of the higher end hard surface flooring lines called Mannington. It offers one of the most realistic wood and tile looks. It is both durable and environmentally friendly using over 70% or recycled content. If it is carpet that you are looking for they carry Mohawk, Alladin, Horizon and Dreamweaver. 

Stop in or call and make an appointment. You will be greeted by Ray or Anita along with their 4 legged friend Lucy the Yorkie. 

Riverside Tire

Business Spotlight:
Riverside Tire, formerly known as Riverside Hardware, is located north of Antwerp at 14777 SR 49. Owned and operated by Jerry Williams, this multi-purpose business has been serving Antwerp and the surrounding communities since 2006.
For many years, Jerry worked with his father, Keith, who owned the popular Shell gas station in Antwerp, now the location of the Pit Stop. The Shell was part gas station, part small engine repair shop. Jerry’s inspiration was to own and operate a business that allowed him to do small engine repair without the demands of a seven-day-per-week gas station. That is why he opened Riverside Tire, which specializes in small engine repair and car tires.
With spring right around the corner, the time is now to turn your attention lawn care and your personal lawn mower. Many residents make a large investment in keeping their mowers and yards in tip-top shape, and Jerry can assist you by cleaning and sharpening your mower blades, changing your oil, and making sure your lawn mower is operating up to its best potential. For customers who enjoy the recreational and work-horse benefits of an ATV, Jerry can provide many of these same services for your ATV as well.
Does your car seem to pulling one way or another? Are you wondering if you might need new tires? Jerry can answer both of those questions for you. He deals in high-end tires, such as Mastercraft, BF Goodrich, Uniroyal, and Michelin tires, and his connections to get next-day delivery on tires means that you can have your car back humming down the road with little to no inconvenience. If minor tire service is all you may need, Jerry can check your tires’ air pressure, as well as balance and rotate them as needed.
In addition to small engines and tires, Riverside Tire also offers an array of maintenance services, including filling propane tanks, sharpening chain saw blades, and selling bales of straw; and fishing enthusiasts can find live bait all summer long at Riverside Tire.
Jerry believes in treating people right, and he always tries to get the best price on tires, engine parts, and all other supplies that he sells. Riverside Tire is open Monday through Friday 8am-5pm and Saturdays 8am-3pm. If you have a question about what Jerry can do for you, give him a call at 419-258-1917.

Pierce Automotive

Business Spotlight:
Looking for a local place to have your oil changed or brakes repaired? Need your tires rotated, balanced, or aligned? Maybe you need a whole new engine or a shiny pre-owned vehicle to call your own. Look no further than Pierce Automotive, Inc., 5045 CR 424, Antwerp.

Russell Pierce, owner and operator, opened his first repair shop at the former Leinard’s Sales and Service location in January of 2002 after having worked for Mr. Leinard for twenty-seven years. After quickly outgrowing the downtown location, Russell and his wife Cindy constructed a new, state-of-the-art facility and moved to its current location in November of 2003.

Russell’s love of tinkering with objects of all sizes and colors started at a very young age. He fondly remembers the time that as a young boy he removed all the cupboard doors off of the kitchen cabinets while his parents were gone. Fortunately, he was able to put them all back on, avoiding the wrath that comes with being a rambunctious boy. But the time he disassembled the entire lawn mower, all because of a slow oil leak, his parents were none too happy. Through these experiences and others, it became quickly apparent that he was born with the unique ability to not only tear objects apart, but the rare skills of being able to put them back together again in good working order.

Why choose Pierce Automotive over another shop that may be able to perform the same services? For starters, the shop is local, and local businesses remain the backbone of any great community. But equally important, Russell and his staff pride themselves in providing great service with the knowledge to complete nearly any task needed on an automobile. Another service that may set them apart includes their willingness to come to your home or place of work and pick up your vehicle, repair it during the day, and then deliver it back to you when they are done, all at no additional cost to the consumer. Russell reminds his customers that taking your car to a dealership can cost much more money, and the quality of service is no better than what Russell and his staff can provide, as he and his crew pride themselves in the quality of their work.

The counter and support staff is second to none. Cindy always greets you with a smile when you enter the front doors of the business, and the rest of both the office and repair staff will do its best to make you feel like a valued customer.

Russell and Cindy are proud to employee both of their children too. While Russell has been servicing cars for over forty years, his sons, Paul and Scott, are now both working alongside him, gathering valuable knowledge along the way.

As already noted, Pierce Automotive also sells pre-owned vehicles. If they don’t have that special car you’re seeking in their current inventory, they will search local auctions to locate just what you are looking for. Russell frequently travels to auctions in Fort Wayne and Montpelier, and he will even search the Internet, saving you precious time from having to do the research yourself. In fact, they just recently sold a car to someone as far away as Virginia! So before heading out of town to purchase your next truck or automobile, give Russell and his staff a shot first.

Never hesitate to contact the great staff at Pierce Automotive. The entire set of employees is here to help you. For more information, contact Russell, Cindy, or the office staff at 419-258-2727.