The Antwerp Chamber Brochure committee has been working these past months of 2024 to procure a Brochure that represents all the Village of Antwerp has to offer. Check out the brochure and share with any new businesses who are interested in expanding to the Antwerp community.
Category: Business Resources
Area resources for local business owners

Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce
Incorporated in 1995, the Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce (NOACC) was established to provide tangible benefits of chamber membership to local businesses. NOACC has now grown to over 125 chambers of commerce–some volunteer managed, some county-wide in scope–and some of the NOACC chambers have grown ten-fold with the adoption of these benefits. Our partnership with the NOACC will help our businesses to obtain benefits and resources that otherwise would be difficult for them to obtain on their own.
To create a positive business climate in Paulding County and improve the economic well-being and quality of life of its citizens. Through the Chamber’s collaboration with the PCED, we hope to assist in the retention and creation of jobs within the community, improve local services and broaden the local tax base. Also, to encourage capital investment through the help of local, public and private leaders, the state of Ohio and engaging with the community.