Hicksville Pharmacy

116 E. High St.


Hicksville, Oh 43526




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Monday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Tuesday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

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Saturday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM


Antwerp Mural Project Complete!

Antwerp’s first mural is complete. It has been such an exhilarating experience for the entire village to watch as the south side of Friend Flooring building was transformed from a plain stucco wall into a masterpiece of art. In the words of an admirer of the Mural, “It’s hard to tell where the sky stops and the mural begins!”
Antwerp Chamber of Commerce and its supporting business community as well as private citizens and nonprofit organizations funded this work of public art. Chamber Mural Committee gave generously of their time to research, plan, schedule, fundraise for and oversee this worthy community beautification project.
Morrow Painting shifted their spring schedule around just to fit in this project to prepare the wall for the artist by pressure washing and priming with the base coat (that bright blue). After the Chamber rented a lift for a week for the artist, Rain Tech Seamless Gutters donated the use of their lift truck for the artist’s use — this saved a large chunk of funds for this project — thank you Steve!
Artist Tim Parsley – it was a pleasure to work with you on this beautiful mural. Your talent is magnificent and the village is in your debt for this masterstroke.
Ray Friend (Friend Flooring) — kudos to you and yours for allowing The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce to put this mural on your building.
This mural can be interpreted many ways and that is the beauty of art. No two persons who stop to marvel at the wonderful scene walks away with the same review. Some said the Eagle represented the potential growth for the village of Antwerp and the bright future it promises. Others are appreciative of the river scene which spruces up the downtown area. The painting is so realistic in its application that it looks like a movie screen — but it’s a painting. It says “Welcome to Antwerp” without saying welcome to Antwerp.
An epic wonder to elicit awe of the area while visiting Antwerp — this was the goal of the Chamber Mural committee in completing this project. A beautification for the Village residents and visitors that will last decades.
For those unfamiliar with Antwerp, this mural is located at the intersection of SR 49 and CR 424 right in the center of the village of Antwerp. If you come into town from any direction — North, South, East or West, you can’t miss it.

2023 Gem of the Year Award

Denise Coleman is Antwerp’s Gem of the Year 2023.

Antwerp Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Gem of the Year awards every summer. This summer the award recognition coincided with ACDC’s revival of Antwerp Days. 

Denise Coleman was named Gem of the Year after all the nominations that were collected were reviewed. Denise was humbled by the selection and so very grateful to all who took the time to nominate her or other deserving Antwerp citizens for this award.

Coleman is an Antwerp native having graduated from AHS in 1985. She is very proud of her three boys: Zac and Blair, Andy and Mackenzie and Jeffrey and McKenna. They have blessed her life even more with the addition of 2 grandbabies: Kaden and Lenni and one on the way.

After high schoolI she moved away from Antwerp for a time, but then came home to raise her family. Denise was a hairdresser for 35 years, then decided to take a position as the secretary at Antwerp Local School, and she stated “and my favorite jobs have been mom and Grammy.”

Six years ago on August 1st, Denise took over the local flower shop, Petals and Vines. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with family and friends (and of course those grandbabes!). “I like to go junking, reading and vacationing at the lake,” she commented.

Denise is a very generous volunteer for the village of Antwerp, being a part of Antwerp Chamber of Commerce, Antwerp Rotary Club, and Antwerp CIC.

“Thank you to those who voted for the gem this year. We have many community members and organizations that deserve this award.

It takes a village to have an amazing town like ours. I’m just glad to be a part of it. Thank you,” concluded Coleman.

Denise — you are a true gem! Enjoy your reign as Antwerp’s Gem of the Year.

2022 Chamber of Commerce year in review

The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce has closed out 2022.   We began by growing our membership to 50 businesses, 16 non-profits, 12 home-based businesses and 9 friends of the chamber memberships.  Our home-based businesses category ranges from local crafters to direct sales representatives. We also continued our Spotlight on area businesses by doing feature articles on United Way of Paulding County, Corner Café, Sam Switzer Realty,  Hormann’s Heating and Cooling and Ties and Bows. We had grand openings for 3 new businesses/business owners this year Puckerbrush of Antwerp, Phil’s One Stop, More Than Boutique and Ties & Bows.

For the fourth year we awarded our Antwerp Chamber scholarship to a deserving senior from Vantage Career Center, Jonathan Meyer. Jonathan graduated from Vantage in the Criminal Justice program. He is attending the Hocking College participating in the Natural Resources Law Enforcement program. Upon completion of this two-year degree, he intends to become a Game Warden in the State of Ohio. Our Cutie Pie Contest during Day in the Park supports our scholarship each year.

In May we celebrated Mother’s Day with a Ladies Day Out.  Community businesses ran specials and home-based businesses were open at the VFW.

With a little help from our local Girl Scout troop we continued with a fun activity this summer involving books. We took in donations of gently used books, placed them in plastic bags with a note, and hid them around town and out at the park.  Kids were encouraged to find a book, read it and then place it back in the bag and rehide it for someone else to find. Our hope is that the children enjoyed some reading time throughout the summer months. 

In July we sponsored a Kiddie Parade and Candy Bar Bingo for the kiddos with the theme of the 4th of July.  The parade of decorated bikes, scooters, wagons and strollers proceeded through town ending at the VFW pavilion for a rousing game of Bingo with winners receiving candy bars donated by our own Gen Fed.

In August we sponsored an adult trivia night at the Oasis Bar & Grill with host, Josh Hahn.  This is a fun event held at a Chamber business that is always a great time.  Entry fee was split between the Chamber and the trivia winner.

Day in the Park was a huge success with theme, Island Vibes. The day began with a memorable parade and the park was filled with townsfolk eager to see the great entertainment, crafters and food vendors, games for the kids, Cutie Pie Contest and Silent Auction.  Musical entertainment was provided by the duo Island Vibe and our Gem of the Year was Barry Delong.  Our total profit from Day in the Park was $2083.00.  There was a three way tie for the winner of the parade traveling trophy.  The Holly Beach Splash Pad committee float, West Bend News and Krazy Krafters. We want to thank everyone who donated and participated in our big event.  New this year was a young Makers Market to encourage entrepreneurial spirit in our young people.

The Chamber held our first Munch & Meet at the September meeting.  There were guest speakers from Chamber members, Metalink and Geenex Solar.  Information was given to the group about the NOACC benefits and opportunities that are available to our members. 

In early November Chamber sponsored a wine bus trip on a cold Saturday morning.  All proceeds will go towards a future mural project on a downtown building. 

Small Business Saturday, held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, was a huge success with many businesses having a very profitable day. A Bingo game was the activity of the morning as well as the Save Your Receipt drawing – both with prizes awarded in the form of Chamber Bucks to be used at any Chamber Business. Thank you to the VFW for allowing us to host the Welcome Station in their meeting room.

Next we held a Christmas Tree Lighting with a carol sing at Greenway Park next to the police station.  Many thanks the guys at Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative for their help in getting the lights and the star on the big tree. Bill and Chris from the village of Antwerp helped to get our Nativity scene placed.

To encourage businesses to decorate for the holidays we hosted a contest for the best festive light display. We had 12 businesses join us and 13 people voted.  The winner was Small Town Bliss. They now can proudly display a life size version of the leg lamp from the Christmas Story movie.  The leg lamp is a traveling trophy and we can’t wait to crown a new winner in 2023.

Santa’s Secret Shop was again an enjoyable event for our kiddos and a chance for businesses to show off a few gifts.  For $5 per gift a child could shop in Santa’s Secret Shop for a small gift for their family members, teachers or friends. Once again, we were able to use the meeting room at the VFW for this event. All items are provided by our local businesses and all monies went back to the businesses. This year $1010.00 went back to local businesses.

We wrapped up 2022 with Santa’s mailbox set up next to the town hall.  Our busy little elves helped Santa answer over 100 letters to Santa!

Chamber Bucks continue to be a hit with gift givers.  Many businesses, groups and individuals purchased Chamber Bucks to show their appreciation. Remember, if you receive a Chamber Buck in your business, just flip it over and there is a phone number on the back.  Call Chamber treasurer, Sue Fowler, and she will stop in your business and reimburse you for the amount of the Chamber Buck. 

Chamber Gift Certificates are also available at the Antwerp Exchange Bank. Gift Certificates make a great gift or a nice way to pay it forward for a person or family in need. The certificate, in the form of a check, can be used anywhere in Antwerp.  The check cannot be used for cash.

 The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce continues to be committed to all the businesses in the Antwerp community.  We welcome any and all feedback from individuals or businesses with the purpose to promote business in Antwerp and we encourage members to join us at our monthly meetings.  You do not need to own a business to be a member of the Chamber.  We have an individual membership category as well so if you like the things we are doing, we invite you to join us. 

Thank you, businesses, for all that you do to support the Chamber.  We look forward to seeing all of you in 2023.