The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce spotlight for March is Five Star Deck Building and Fencing based in Antwerp, Ohio.
Bob Bragg is the owner of Five Star Deck Building and Fencing. He and his wife and children reside in Antwerp. In 2019 as Covid was ramping up he was managing a family business which everyone knows was a very difficult time for small businesses. Bob felt compelled to strike out on his own and pursue something for himself. He began doing a few projects here and there for people that he knew. What began as a side gig with just himself and an extra pair of hands here and there turned into a thriving business which employs 8 people today.
Bob’s company can do a variety of construction jobs. Their main focus is building decks and running fencing. They have also built pergolas, gazebo, and poured concrete and built pole barns. In the winter they do interior remodeling jobs. They create functional, appealing outdoor spaces where you can enjoy the beauty of nature comfortably.
Bob is an entrepreneur. He has that type of personality that thrives in the customer service industry. He has always enjoyed talking to people and people enjoy discussions with him. This has been a great adventure so far and Bob and his crew hope to continue down the same path for years to come.
What sets them aside from others in this type of business is the fact that his crew, the job site foreman, himself and the person they are doing the work for are all closely involved in the project. Bob and his crew sincerely care about the work that they are doing. They treat their customers like family and in return they use that energy to put out the highest quality of product available. They strive to be the best and Bob will vouch for each and every one of them.
When a customer chooses Five Star they are making an investment in a long term and typically expensive project. Bob wants them to get the best out of the products and services they are providing. You can hire someone for less money and get an average job done. That is not who Five Star Deck Building and Fencing is. They want to build something that is going to last and exhibit the quality of materials and workmanship that they are known for.
Customers will often call Bob back after a job to ask him to complete another project for them. They know who he is and know that they are getting the best people in the area. They know that the customer service will always be there for them long after the job is completed.
Bob and his crew serve a geographic region roughly around a 50-55 mile radius of Antwerp. When asked about a funny or strange anecdote about his business, he declined to elaborate but did say that it is nice that people can joke and have a good time about what they do but still keep it on a professional level.
Bob started his business from the ground up. He had an idea and he turned that into the thriving business he has today. He is proud that he did it on his own and takes responsibility for that. The business relies on him to do his job day in and day out and he is beholden to no one. People have helped him along the way and he appreciates the support of his family and friends.
Customer service and quality are the two main things that a customer can expect from Bob and the unique thing about his business is that while it is a small business they are competing in a big world. Their quality, customer service and building relationships make them stand out in a crowd of similar businesses.
Bob has worked many jobs in his young life. He has worked in a factory, construction, worked in a family business, worked retail and several jobs doing outside work. Each one of those jobs taught him things about how to structure my workplace. He values each of his employees and when they need a day off, they get the day off. Their families and lives come before work. That was something he hated about the factory life, being treated like a number in a system, being penalized for things out of your control, no vacation time until you have been there for awhile. Bob prides himself that he does not treat anyone on his crew like a number. They have health insurance, retirement options, vacation, and time off work when they need it. They know that they are valued and that their job will be there tomorrow. Thankfully he was able to work in places that taught him what he didn’t want to do with his own business and that is why he is able to keep such a great group of people around him.
One tip he would give to a prospective customer is to do a little research on the project that they are wanting completed. While some people may not know what something is going to cost, it is beneficial to check out online prices and get a rough idea of costs. Bob hates to disappoint people that thought their job would cost $5,000 and the quote ends up being quite a bit more.
If you are interested in talking to Bob about a project, you can reach him at (260) 444-7678 or by email at Check out the website at Follow them on Facebook. The company is now partnering with Hearth to offer financing for your project up to $250,000.
Bob is proud to employ local people and he wants to remind everyone to SHOP LOCAL.
The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce is excited to partner with Five Star Deck Building and Fencing in the growth of Antwerp and the surrounding community.