My name is Tonya Walker, the best title I can think of is- Boss In This Crazy Hobby.
I don’t consider myself a boss, we try to make decisions as a group.
We enjoy krafting! We are Krazy Krafters it’s our hobby.
We started doing kraft shows because we were running out
of room for our finished projects and still have more we want to try.
We do lots of krafts and try new ones.
We do krafts with the little ones in our family, encouraging their creativity as much
as possible, they might be future Krazy Krafters!
This isn’t one person. It’s a group of family and friends.
Mom, Vicki Thompson, does knitting, plastic canvas and has tried some floral arrangements.
Aunt Dorothy Brickel sews things. She does the cute stuffed owl pillows that everyone likes
along with some hot pads, placemats and table runners.
Michelle Walker tries to be the Martha Stewart of this krazy operation. She thinks she just needs to find the ideas and tell us to make them. She’s been told Martha’s been fired and to get busy! She helps with the krafts and always helps with setting up and tearing down at our events.
Uncle Larry Trautman helps with cutting things to size, putting hangers on things and making some of my krazy thoughts into a reality.
Aunt Diane Trautman helps with color combinations and ideas.
We’ve recently added a couple of new krafters and hope they can continue to set up with us at future events.
Marilyn Graft does a few different krafts too. She sews cute stuffed dogs and elephants and does burp rags. She also has some wreaths and jewelry items.
Tina Winchester also sews. She has masks, bowl coozies, hot pads and does some quilting.
I do vinyl krafts, paper krafts can crochet and make some jewelry.
We have tried a few different things, some haven’t been in our kraft shows yet, maybe next year.
Somethings are one of a kind, some can be made to order, just ask.
We have done some custom and personalized items.
We try to keep our prices reasonable. We do our best to make our customers happy.
Our things aren’t perfect but they are made with care.
We can’t say we make any kind of profits because we usually just go shopping
to buy more supplies shortly after our events. Our next big purchase plan is a sandblaster because we have lots of glass items we want to etch.
Maybe one of these days, after we win the BIG lottery, we’ll turn our hobby into a real business but for now we enjoy doing this for fun! #WeRKrazyKrafters
Check out their Facebook page at Krazy Krafters, or email them with a question at krazykrafters@frontier.com.
The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce is pleased to have the ladies and gents of the Krazy Krafters partnering with us in the Antwerp Community.