Antwerp Chamber of Commerce Gears of for Small Business Saturday 2022 – The Hunt is On!

Antwerp Chamber knows that everyone is breathlessly waiting to see what is in store for Small Business Saturday on November 26, 2022. Well, the wait is over! We will be playing Business BINGO this year to kick off the holiday shopping season. There are two different opportunities to play: a cover all card starting on November 18th for a chance to win $100 in Chamber Bucks (card pick up locations will be West Bend News and Petals & Vines). If your plans only allow for the Saturday excursion, you can just play a straight line BINGO for the chance for $25 in Chamber Bucks. To play either card, stop in at the business on the BINGO card, take a ‘selfie with the elfie’ and bring your phone and see us on Small Business Saturday at the Welcome Center (VFW building) to be included in the drawing. Those drawings will be separate.

Chamber will also be sponsoring the “Save Your Receipt” drawing on Small Business Saturday. Save your receipts the week of November 19-26 and turn them in to the Welcome Center on SBS by 12:00 Noon for a chance to win! Spend over $50 in one Antwerp Chamber business and be entered to win $100 in Chamber Bucks. OR spend $25-$49 in any Antwerp Chamber business for a chance to win $25 in Chamber Bucks.

And the fun doesn’t stop with Small Business Saturday, Antwerp Chamber is join gin forces with the Edgerton and Hicksville Chambers for Shop Local: Ladies Day Out during December! “Shop the 419 on SR 49” — Head out for the day to Antwerp, Edgerton, and Hicksville on December 3rd, 10th, and 17th, to these fine small towns for holiday shopping specials; detailed specials in each of these towns coming soon!

For more information, look up the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce on Facebook.