Antwerp Chamber of Commerce and its supporting business community as well as private citizens and nonprofit organizations funded this work of public art. Chamber Mural Committee gave generously of their time to research, plan, schedule, fundraise for and oversee this worthy community beautification project.
Morrow Painting shifted their spring schedule around just to fit in this project to prepare the wall for the artist by pressure washing and priming with the base coat (that bright blue). After the Chamber rented a lift for a week for the artist, Rain Tech Seamless Gutters donated the use of their lift truck for the artist’s use — this saved a large chunk of funds for this project — thank you Steve!
Artist Tim Parsley – it was a pleasure to work with you on this beautiful mural. Your talent is magnificent and the village is in your debt for this masterstroke.
Ray Friend (Friend Flooring) — kudos to you and yours for allowing The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce to put this mural on your building.
This mural can be interpreted many ways and that is the beauty of art. No two persons who stop to marvel at the wonderful scene walks away with the same review. Some said the Eagle represented the potential growth for the village of Antwerp and the bright future it promises. Others are appreciative of the river scene which spruces up the downtown area. The painting is so realistic in its application that it looks like a movie screen — but it’s a painting. It says “Welcome to Antwerp” without saying welcome to Antwerp.
An epic wonder to elicit awe of the area while visiting Antwerp — this was the goal of the Chamber Mural committee in completing this project. A beautification for the Village residents and visitors that will last decades.
For those unfamiliar with Antwerp, this mural is located at the intersection of SR 49 and CR 424 right in the center of the village of Antwerp. If you come into town from any direction — North, South, East or West, you can’t miss it.