Antwerp Chamber Of Commerce
PO Box 893
Antwerp, OH 45813
It’s that time again to join or renew your membership with the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce. Your ongoing financial contribution is vital to our ability to continue to deliver outstanding business support and events to promote our town. We are focused and driven to promote, protect and preserve the businesses in our community.
2021 was a year of a somewhat return to normalcy after the Covid-19 epidemic. While the epidemic is still touching communities, ours has begun to thrive again. A new year of membership brings opportunities to expand our businesses and grow our Chamber. Our strength and vitality comes from the unity within our businesses and our presence in the community. Much change has been in the air in the last year, and with that we have been inspired with new ideas and renewed excitement for 2022. We are looking forward to the “new” Chamber of 2022 and we anticipate a very successful year.
Why join the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce?
• Advertising opportunities through the Chamber’s email list of members and on our Facebook page.
• Gain visibility and drive traffic to your business through the Chamber’s social media campaigns and advertising opportunities throughout the year.
• Tap into the power of networking through Chamber events.
• Get featured in our Business Spotlight.
- Antwerp Chamber website now up and running.
• Gain massive visibility and drive traffic to your business through the Chambers sponsored events like: Day in the Park, Co-chair the Halloween parade with the Fire Department, Small Business Saturday, Chamber Bucks, Business Christmas lighting, Christmas Tree Lighting at the tennis court and Letters to Santa, Santa’s Secret Shop where children can shop for their parents with items from local businesses, Welcome to Antwerp Brochure, and Chamber Scholarship promotion.
The dues are minimal:
Business membership $60.00
Service organizations and churches $35.00
Home-based businesses $25.00
Friends of the chamber $20.00
New this year to help offset the membership dues and to encourage more participation by members in Chamber events, we have decided that if you participate in 2 or more Chamber events in 2022, you will get $10 in Chamber Bucks.
The Chamber of Commerce holds meetings on the third Wednesday of every month at 1:00 pm. Location to be announced. We can notify you by email of our regular meetings on the Monday prior to the meetings. We can also notify you of special events throughout the year.
It is our hope that you will want to be a part of this organization and support our efforts to promote and protect all local businesses and our great community. We are open to hearing your suggestions on how we can make our Chamber more helpful and beneficial to its members and their businesses. If you have an idea, we want to hear from you. We can be reached by mail at the above address or email us at antwerpchamber@gmail.com. Please like us on Facebook at Antwerp Chamber of Commerce. Our website is antwerpchamber.com
Let’s make our community a place where our children WANT to raise their children, a place where a business is welcome and a place where we all can grow old together.
“Great things are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people.” Steve Jobs
Antwerp Chamber of Commerce